When Will You Be Ready
When will you be ready?
When will you be ready
to hear the voice
that has been speaking to you
with a patient kindness
for some time now,
like birdsong as you wake?
Don’t mistake its kindness
for weakness, or insignificance,
it is neither, moreover the voice
is your most ardent, though from
a place you have not often
had the courage to visit.
Trajectories are strange, they
have an inertia, a momentum,
that makes you think they
must be right, they are the way,
yet often they are just a
form of sleepwalking.
I was once told of an alpine
photographer who, in order
to get the clearest views on
his Hasselblad camera would
switch off the engine and glide,
thus minimising the blur.
Only when you cut the motor
will vision find you, only when you are
ready to attend will your soul’s map
unfold, only then will the path
you took make sense and the
way ahead appear out of the mist.
From Arriving In Magic – Poems by Adrian GR Scott
Photo Auntie Agnes’s Hasselblad Camera
copyright Adrian G R Scott